Is God Calling?

Is God Calling You to be a Priest of Jesus Christ?
The call to priesthood is one of the most rewarding vocations that a man can receive from God. It is an ever new challenge to go out into the flux of the world and present the Truth of Christ as He is. It involves sacrifice, innovation, discipline, courage, strength, perseverance and the particular quality of living as one in the world, but as one not of the world. It is all accomplished through love, and first and foremost the love that God has for each one of us. And it is by that love that a priest persists. But who will answer the call to such a vocation?

Levels of Study at Assumption

  • Discipleship – For those who do not yet have an undergraduate degree there is college seminary, as well as for those who have an undergraduate or other degrees but have not completed the required number of credit hours in Philosophy and Religious studies set by the US Bishops.
  • Configuration – There are 4 years of Theology in the major seminary program
  • Vocational Syntheses –  the seminarians spend a year living in a parish community learning hands on through full-time ministry

Think you hear the call?   Please visit the Vocations office from your own diocese to get more information about priestly formation.

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